Central Hobbies

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Central Hobbies
1401 Central Avenue
Billings, MT 59102

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Product Details:

The comparison diagram above shows why thrust washers supplied with engines do not work well with the larger props used by 3D fliers. Notice how the stock thrust washer barely extends beyond the empty cavity in the prop. Central Hobbies solved this problem by manufacturing an improved thrust washer that covers the actual grip area of the big props.

The extra grip of the CH areobatic thrust washer enables you to run 18" and larger diameter props with low pitch while supplying proper support at the hub of the propeller to keep it aligned under high thrust loads. To install, simply position this full 1- 3/4" diameter thrust washer in place of the stock 1-3/16" washer on the crankshaft.

Our Price: $19.95    Sold By: each

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