Information and Orders: 1-406-259-9004
Hours: Mon - Sat 10-6 MST
Coming soon to Central Hobbies
The Best Acrylic Paint you can buy for plastic models, trains, and other hobbies. Unlimited shelf life, can be brush painted or airbrushed right out of the bottle with little or no thinning (use Mission Model Thinner/Reducer or Distilled water), great coverage without hiding details, use less paint to get the same coverage, easy cleaning of your airbrush, can be thinned with distilled water to incredibly thin wash for panel lines and weathering (no need to buy a seperate panel line or weathering paint), Poly additive gives a super hard polishable finish, and much more. 1 ounce (29.5 mL) bottles for only a few pennies more than the competitions 1/2 ounce (15-17mL) bottles.
Check out Mission Models Tips, Tricks, and FAQ here.