Orders Only: 1-800-723-5937 Information: 1-406-259-9004
Hours: Mon - Sat 10-6 MST
N gauge 55' Saskatchewan Grain Car Corporation cylindrical hopper car
N gauge 40' boxcar with plug and slide door
N gauge 40' Undecorated AAR boxcar
N gauge 40' Great Northern boxcar with plug and slide door, non-functional
Old style, center cupala Central Pacific caboose.
N gauge Government of Canada 55' cylindrical hopper car
Heinz #1- 058 00 260
Heinz #2- 058 00 270
Heinz #3- 058 00 280
Heinz #4- 058 00 290
Heinz #5- 058 00 300
Heinz #6- 058 00 310
Heinz #7- 058 00 320
Heinz #8- 058 00 330
Heinz #9- 058 00 340
Heinz #10- 058 00 350
Heinz #11- 058 00 360
Heinz #12- 058 00 370
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