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One of model railroading's best-known scenery modelers offers techniques for adding realism to a layout of any size or scale. This third edition of one of Kalmbach's top-sellers will attract modelers with contemporary images of diesel locomotives and urban settings, plus updates to Dave's trademark scenery “recipes.” Hundreds of photographs bring the techniques to life and make it easy for modelers to get started quickly.
Includes new chapters on Western scenery and desert modeling, and city scenery and urban settings
Ideal for beginning, intermediate, and advanced modelers planning a layout
Author: Dave Frary
Size: 8 1/4 x 10 3/4
Pages: 144
Color photos: 300
Black & White photos: 150
Illustrations: 20
Atlas O 3-Rail 21st Century Track System(TM) track is designed to have the look of North American prototype trackage. Sections feature Code 148 solid nickel silver rail, blackened center rail, scale-sized ties with accurate tie plate, spike and bolt detail; a snap-lock system that securely holds the track sections together and ensures exact alignment and detailed rail joiners. The dark brown (or concrete-colored as specified) injection-molded tie strip has a special UV additive designed for both indoor and outdoor use. Flex-track is also part of the line offering you the opportunity for completely prototypical track planning. Perfect for use with all 3-rail O gauge trains. This track is part of the complete 3-rail and 2-rail AtlasO 21st Century Track System.
This completely redesigned edition helps modelers use today’s technology to add interest and action to their model railroad layouts. Enthusiasts learn how to install streetlights and building lights, use fiber optics, and simulate neon sign lighting. A working coal tipple, a spinning windmill, and a wig-wag crossing signal are just a few of the projects included.
From Model Railroader
Do you want to take your modeling to the next level? With Realistic Layouts you'll learn how to blend various elements so they all work together to create a feeling that your models are part of - and connected to - the real world.
By Tony Koester
Prairie railroads have a different feel and character compared to railroads in the mountains. The nature of prairie railroading allows modeling these lines on narrow shelves, which maximizes your layout space whether you’re dealing with a large basement or two walls of a spare bedroom.
This book is filled with both modeling tips and prototype information:
Author Tony Koester includes many inspirational photos showing how he and several other veteran modelers captured the essence of these railroads in miniature.
FasTrack is the leading track choice for Lionel train operators, and its track plans are in high demand. Featuring 25 mostly small and mid-sized plans designed specifically for FasTrack, this collection is gathered from the pages of Classic Toy Trains magazine and also includes several new plans, a brief overview of FasTrack, and track-planning tips.
With its dramatic scenery and challenging operations, mountain railroading is an appealing theme that crosses many regions and all eras. Respected author Tony Koester offers insight into layout and track planning, and compares narrow gauge with standard gauge railroads. Essential advice on achieving realistic mountain operation is included, along with tips for working relevant scenery into the layout.
This is the 1901-2008 Edition Pocket Price Guide for Lionel Trains.
When you think of a “better“ toy train layout, what comes tp mind? Everyone‘s got an idea of what makes a layout better - how do you decide what‘s right for you? This book contains easy-to-follow advice which includes inventive ways to mix rolling stock and accessories of different scales, innovative solutions for cleaning and maintaining track, and creative ideas for unique scenery and details.
Its key features are:
Adhesive (Perfect) bound paperback guide
Data needed before buying, selling, or trading any American
Flyer or S gauge train within the pages of this guide
Provides you with current market prices for American Flyer trains produced between 1946 and 2015
Brief description of each item with production date and significant variations
Pricing information provided for items in good or excellent condition